Avatar: The Last Airbender Season 2 Episode 20 - The Crossroads of Destiny

With Long Feng released, Zuko prepares to capture the Avatar. Before he can do so Azula takes control of the Dai Li (and hence Ba Sing Se), explaining that they admire her brutal discipline. She has Zuko imprisoned. When Aang attempts to free Katara, Zuko is told by his Uncle he must choose between himself and Azula. He chooses to help Azula attack the Avatar. Aang realizes he must let go of Katara in order to save her and fulfill his destiny, but the Fire Nation princess zaps Aang while in the Avatar State, heavilly wounding the Avatar. Iroh delays to allow Aang's friends to escape with his body. Katara uses the spirit water to heal Aang as they flee from the now-fallen Earth Kingdom's largest city, Ba Sing Se, with the now deposed Earth King Kuei. 

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