Bolin, Asami, and Iroh invade the airfield, where they are captured by Hiroshi Sato's Equalists and thence rescued by Naga. While Asami and Bolin overcome Hiroshi and his mecha-tanks, Iroh destroys the Equalist bombers sent against Bumi's United Forces...
Home » Posts filed under korra
The Legend of Korra Season 1 Episode 11 - Skeletons in the Closet
- on 11:04 PM
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Korra and her friends hide in an underground settlement until Iroh's fleet arrives, which is promptly disabled by Equalist mines and aircraft. After Korra saves Iroh from drowning, she and Mako go in search of Amon and discover the captive Tarrlok, who...
The Legend of Korra Season 1 Episode 10 - Turning the Tides
- on 11:01 PM
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After recovering from her abduction, Korra recounts her story, whereupon Asami questions Mako about his feelings for Korra and Tenzin asks Lin to protect his family while he attends the morning's council meeting. Tenzin is attacked at City Hall and learns...
The Legend of Korra Season 1 Episode 9 - Out of the Past
- on 10:59 PM
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Tarrlok locks Korra in a platinum box, publicly claiming that Equalists abducted her. In response, Lin Beifong breaks Korra's friends out of jail and, with Tenzin, infiltrate the Equalist hideout and discover that Tarrlok lied. Confronting Tarrlok in...
The Legend of Korra Season 1 Episode 8 - When Extremes Meet
- on 10:57 PM
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At his induction as Beifong's replacement, Police Chief Saikhan vows to support Tarrlok's task force; but Korra quarrels with Tarrlok. As she expresses frustration with her inability to airbend, Tenzin asks her to obtain help from her past lives by meditating...
The Legend of Korra Season 1 Episode 7 - The Aftermath
- on 10:54 PM
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Tarrlok calls for Lin Beifong's dismissal as chief of police after Amon's attack on the pro-bending arena; Mako and Bolin move into the Sato mansion. While visiting them, Korra overhears implication that Hiroshi Sato is colluding with the Equalists....
The Legend of Korra Season 1 Episode 6 - And the Winner Is...
- on 10:51 PM
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Amon threatens to attack the pro-bending arena if the Council does not cancel the championship; but Chief Lin Beifong convinces Tarrlok otherwise by offering to protect the stadium. Despite tensions resulting from a prior relationship, Tenzin and Lin...
The Legend of Korra Season 1 Episode 5 - The Spirit of Competition
- on 10:49 PM
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Mako romantically flirts with and dates Hiroshi's daughter, Asami, much to the annoyance and jealously of Korra. And when he refuses her, she passes an evening with Bolin, but passionately kisses Mako after their next match, disappointing and hurting...
The Legend of Korra Season 1 Episode 4 - The Voice in the Night
- on 10:45 PM
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Republic City Councilman Tarrlok creates a task force to capture Amon, and eventually recruits the reluctant Korra. Mako gains a sweetheart in Asami Sato, the daughter of industrialist Hiroshi Sato, who agrees to sponsor the Fire Ferrets' presence in...
The Legend of Korra Season 1 Episode 3 - The Revelation
- on 10:42 PM
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Trying to collect money for their pro-bending fees, Bolin is recruited by the Triple Threat Triads, with whom he is abducted by the Equalists. At an Equalist rally, Amon demonstrates his ability to permanently remove the bending powers of the captive...
The Legend of Korra Season 1 Episode 2 - A Leaf in the Wind
- on 10:39 PM
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Frustrated by her inability to bend air, Korra visits Republic City's pro-bending arena against Tenzin's wishes. There, she meets Bolin and Mako, two brothers on the "Fire Ferrets" pro-bending team, and becomes their team-mate. Korra initially suffers...
The Legend of Korra Season 1 Episode 1 - Welcome to Republic City
- on 10:36 PM
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Seventy years after the end of the original series, the Order of the White Lotus discovers the new Avatar, Korra, in the Southern Water Tribe. By the age of 17, Korra has mastered all elements except air. Master Tenzin, Katara's and Aang's son, and only...